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i started using hand cream and now biting my nails tastes bad

it doesn't even have an indicator as to what scent it is it just says "love" like .. girl what...


site info

    if avaliable, this site functions best on an old laptop from 2012ish using very old version of firefox or internet explorer. but i suppose if thats not an option, a modern computer or tablet with firefox or chrome should work too. best veiwed on a 1920x1080 aspect ratio cause yk. yeah.

    i code this site on my laptops (george (2023) & bingus (2012)), ipad (borris), and sometimes phone (johnson) (only when i hate myself). but girly does not function on phones, so, yk.

    i made this site in 2024, mostly for fun, partially because i needed somewhere to store my ocs. still havent completed that second goal but a 50% is like basically a passing grade. to me.

    anyway yeah, so the content page(s) are still completely empty. not to worry, i have been working on them... very slowly... it's like fine, i'll get to it when i get to it.

    aside from that, i made this so i'd have one link i could put in my discord bio because of the tight character limit, but i am actually waiting till i have more stuff in here to link it where people i know can see it, because idk it feels weird to me idk.

    also, a 33.3% is not a passing grade, unfortunately.