chloie meyer

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chloie meyer

  • nicknames: n/a
  • pronouns: she/her
  • gender: girl
  • sexuality: lesbian
  • fav color: purple
  • species: human
  • assigned sex: afab
  • birthday: 08/03/2001
  • deathday: ??/??/????
  • cause of death: ???
  • voice claim: ???
  • playlist: ???
  • artfight: ???
  • likes: the arcade, hyperpop & other loud/fast music, leo's dog
  • hobbies: baking, drawing, writing
  • school: ???, ???, east-juniper private academy, ???
  • work: ???
  • dislikes: school, being at home

chloie moved to the valley when she was 12, after her parents died, to live with her aunt, uncle & cousin. she only ever met them occasionally before, and they wernt exactly pleasent people. chloie is inceredibly kind and she loves her friends very much, but has a lot of social anxiety that she's working to overcome.

Shiny Violet Star